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Recommended Websites

These sites are hosted by believers who love God deeply with their hearts, souls and minds and are doing great work to encourage others in this. My recommendations do not mean I agree with everything on each site (although I agree with much), but they are all well worth your time to visit.


Global Scholars

Global Scholars envisions a day when Christian professors worldwide are having a redemptive influence among their students, colleagues, universities and academic disciplines, bringing shalom and human flourishing to all. I currently serve as President and CEO of Global Scholars.



J.P. Moreland

Dr. Moreland is not only a world-class philosopher and apologist, but is a man who seeks God with his whole heart and has a deep desire to see others come to faith and flourish as believers. He studied under and was mentored by the late Dr. Dallas Willard, and in turn has mentored me for the past 30 years.



Reasonable Faith

Dr. William Lane Craig is also a world-class defender of the Faith, publishing scores of academic and popular books and articles providing compelling evidences for Christian Theism against a wide range of objections. He has also debated leading atheists on many university campuses around the world. He shares some of these debates, as well as many other very helpful resources.


Connection Points

Dr. Randy Newman is the most winsome and articulate communicator I know. A Jewish follower of Jesus, he has a unique ability to understand and communicate biblical truths. His theological training and decades of ministry to students and faculty on university campuses also contributes to his unique insights into life and ministry. I highly recommend anything he writes!


Stand to Reason

Stand To Reason’s focus is a bit less “academic” than Moreland’s and Craig’s sites, and so perhaps a bit more accessible to someone just beginning to ask the “hard questions.” This ministry seeks to train Christians “…to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.” 


Think Christianly

Think Christianly is the website of Jonathan Morrow. He has a very sharp mind and winsome manner. From his website: “Think Christianly helps Christians understand what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters.” 


Apologetics 315

The vision of Apologetics 315 is to provide educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews.  




The Emerging Scholars Network

The Veritas Forum

Summit Ministries

The Mars Hill Audio Journal

Consortium of Christian Study Centers Recommended Reading List

A Bibliography for the Integration of Faith and Learning by David Dockery

Christian Professional Societies by Academic Discipline