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Category: Articles

Christmas—The Day Jesus Moved Into The Neighborhood! (#4)

During this Christmas Season, I’m reflecting on the implications of understanding that Jesus was really born as a boy, who grew to be a man in this same world we live in. In my last three posts, I shared the first and second reasons which are vitally important to keep in mind, during Christmas and always.  As important as these reasons are, the third reason is the most important one for our salvation.  (Read Post #1Post#2Post#3 here. These reasons were just too important to cram into the few weeks leading up to Christmas!)

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Christmas—The Day Jesus Moved Into The Neighborhood! (#3)

Last week I began discussing a second reason we should reflect on the humanity of Christ this Christmas season. I shared four of the seven ways we forget this (“Christian Gnosticism”), and the harmful effects this has on us. In this post, I will share the last four. (These reasons were just too important to cram into the few weeks leading up to Christmas!)


Christmas—The Day Jesus Moved Into The Neighborhood! (#2)

In my last post, I shared the first reason why it is important to remember Jesus is fully human this Christmas season. The second reason is that we devalue the worth of God’s creation (including ourselves) if we forget his humanity. The incarnation is a constant reminder that God, more than anyone, values the physical world just as much as the spiritual world.


Christmas—The Day Jesus Moved Into The Neighborhood! (#1)

In this Christmas season, it seems fitting to write a bit about the humanity of Christ. We talk much about His Deity. And rightly so, with Jesus’ Divine status under constant challenge. Yet there are at least three reasons we must never forget that Jesus was also fully human—that he “moved into the neighborhood” as The Message translates John 1:14.

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