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My Final Blog…Our First Podcast

I began writing this weekly blog on November 2, 2016. Now, 52 months and 216 posts later, I’m posting my last regular blog (though I may post again now and then if something catches my fancy that I just have to write about!) In its place I’ll soon launch the Thinking Christianly podcast. I’m doing so for three reasons, all inter-connected. 

Ending My Weekly Blog

Reason #1

A number of people have asked me if I discuss in a podcast format what I’ve written about in my blog. It seems that many people prefer podcasts to blogs. We are all busy, and it takes time to sit down and read a blog. But people can listen to podcasts while doing so many other things–working out, driving, cooking dinner. 

Therefore, though approximately 660 people read my blog regularly, I believe I will be able to reach a much larger audience through podcasts. So I’ll begin discussing similar topics via a podcast which I will also title Thinking Christianly. At the same time, the blogs I’ve written will remain accessible on my website as a resource on these issues.

Reason #2

One of the limitations of a blog is that it is a monologue. Yet many topics are better understood through dialogue. Podcasts make this possible in a more natural way. So I’ve asked Jordan Plank to co-host the Thinking Christianly podcast. 

Jordan is one of the most intelligent and insightful people I know, as well as having an intimate relationship with our Lord. She has a richer background in literature and history than I do, and I always learn a great deal from her when we discuss issues.

Therefore, the Thinking Christianly podcast will feature Jordan and me discussing the topics about which I’ve written in my blogs. This will allow for both a deeper and broader understanding of these topics. As Jordan asks questions, I can tease out some of the nuances and implications of topics I’ve discussed in blog posts. In the process, I’ll also ask Jordan to broaden our understanding of those topics by drawing on her background. It will be great fun! We will also invite special guests to join us occasionally. 

Reason #3

Finally, I’ve now written on all the topics I set out to address. My intent from the beginning was to discuss central issues in Christian thought in the liminal space between very introductory conversations and academic treatises. I have sought to serve the many thoughtful Christians who ponder these issues but have not had the opportunity to pursue advanced study in philosophy and theology. 

But now my backlog of topics has evaporated, and I find that in much of my writing I am referring back to earlier posts. So I’m sensing that the Lord is leading me into this new season of podcasting. 

Beginning Our Monthly Podcast

Jordan and I plan to launch the Thinking Christianly podcast in April. Our hope is to post one episode around the middle of each month. We are still pinning down some of the details and beginning to design the new Thinking Christianly podcast website, which will have the same structure as my College Faith podcast site. So if you take a peek at that site, it will give you an idea of what to expect.

Thank You!

I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has engaged with me in these discussions over the past four-plus years. I have deeply appreciated your observations, questions, and pushbacks in response to my posts. Your engagement has stretched and sharpened me. You have helped me to better love God with my mind. 

My thanks also to all who have promoted this blog on social media. Your forwards, likes, and reposts are much appreciated. Thanks also for encouraging others–friends, pastors, children, parents–to check out posts you thought they may enjoy reading. 

Finally, my deepest thanks to Cris Walker, Anna Hubbard, Liam Atchison, and Bruce Barron, for your service to me and readers via editorial review of my blog post drafts. I appreciate your help more than you know! Your insights have made each post better. Of course, all errors remain mine.

I invite you to pray for the process and launch of the Thinking Christianly podcast. And I hope you will enjoy it once we begin! 

Until our Thinking Christianly podcast begins, grace and peace.


  1. Jerry Hertzler
    Jerry Hertzler February 19, 2021

    I’ve enjoyed reading your posts, Stan. They have been meaningful, apropos, and challenging. Thanks for publishing!

    • Stan Wallace
      Stan Wallace February 19, 2021

      Thanks so much, Jerry. I’ve certainly enjoyed your comments during the journey, which has truly sharpened me!

  2. Homepage
    Homepage October 31, 2021

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