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Stan W. Wallace, DMin Posts

Seven Common Objections to the Real Meaning of Easter (Post 1 of 5)

As Easter approaches watch for the TV shows and magazine cover stories questioning the resurrection of Jesus. With so much at stake, the questions and objections are understandable. If Jesus did raise from the dead it proves he is God, and therefore all he says is true, including his claim to be the only “way, truth and life” (John 14:6). If not…


So Many Books, So Little Time…

I am often asked to recommend books on topics ranging from apologetics to leadership. So I’ve added a page to my website listing and linking to the books I immediately suggest in Anthropology, Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Biographies, Church History, Cultural Engagement, Ethics, Evangelism and Discipleship, Fiction, Higher Education, Leadership and Management, Life of the Mind, Missions, Personal and Spiritual Growth, Philosophy, Theology, Vocational Stewardship and World Views.

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Three Ways To Make Good, Right, Wise and Just Decisions (Post 5 of 6)

So far I have argued all of us in leadership positions should make decisions based on transcendent, objective, absolute principles. Important as this is, it is not enough. There is a second way we can ensure we make wise decisions every day.

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